Monday, November 23, 2015

A moment with Bitty Bear

When it comes to having children, there are stages of development. We all recognize that. However, I have not always caught those times when the baby is truly becoming an aware little person.
I didn't miss that moment this morning. Bitty Bear is seven months old now. Last night, he was waving to me and to daddy.
This morning, he didn't want to lay on the blanket, did not want to sit in the bouncer chair. I was holding him and he was balancing his weight on his own two feet, almost not needing mommy to help him stay up. Luckily, it doesn't last for too long. But his time in his jumper and exersaucer are definitely being put to good use, strengthening his little legs so he'll be toddling around on them in no time.
I looked into his eyes, and his little face was lit up with joy that he was standing, mommy was right there and his world was beyond awesome. I stopped and thought, my baby boy is growing up.
He knows all of us now, recognizes voices and even the sound of his siblings entering a room (it is hard to mistake the sound for anything else, other than the stampede of a herd of elephants). He likes eating with a spoon and the other night was much more receptive to a bottle of water. Before now, he was not interested in these things.
He considers everything so carefully, from his little hand to anything that can fit in it. If he can't reach something, he studies it like he is plotting a way.
I am so glad I had that moment with him this morning. Maybe this time I won't suddenly stop and think, where did my baby go? Because I am catching the moments when he is changing.

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