Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter 2023

 We skipped the baskets. 

We never have really been the fake grass and bunnies everywhere family. This year we skipped Cadbury eggs (they were out at the store. They put them out too early - but that's another story) and went light on the candy - don't ask how much we have left from Halloween. 

Sometimes though, the memories are made outside. 

The sun was shining and burned off the frost. The wind wasn't blowing. The bright sheen of spring warmth (the hint of it anyway) was making its mark on this particular Easter Sunday. 

So, the Easter Bunny decided that the egg hunt should be outside. It wasn't complicated, it wasn't widely spread out. EB didn't bother hiding the eggs too well. But the smiles and the sunshine ... and the memories. 

That's what made the day. 

Yes, a lot of them were easy. And yes, the big kids held back until Jeff had his 7 eggs. We still had one egg that was a little harder to find. It turns out, everyone walked past it at least once (except Harper). 

This was an adventure. A five minute trek outside to wander in the sunshine. A treasure hunt for Mandalorian and Frozen themed eggs. The candy may never get eaten, but the memories will remain.