Dear Diary,
Forget sending the search party. I have been eaten by wolves.
Just kidding. No wolves, although sometimes they fit the description of a hungry pack, stalking their unwary prey. Well, that's how I feel while I'm trying to make dinner anyway.
Today is Day 1 of once again being a trucker's family. The life has its ups and downs. It is a lot of sacrifice for Numero Uno, since he is the one doing all the work and away from our smiling faces for such long stretches. [Shhh, no need to tell them they aren't nearly as smiley when he isn't around.] Still, we make it work. The kids find reasons to be excited, even the thrown together chicken and biscuits wannabe dinner that Scribble Mama makes, or watching their favorite show on TV [current is Teen Titans; I've dealt with worse].
That's right, I'm Scribble Mama. The rest of the clan rolls out as follows:
Numero Uno - Truck drivin' hubby that loves to scare Scribble Mama
Scribble Mama - Writer, cook, dishwasher, laundress and semi-failure at housekeeper. Oh and caretaker for four minions that test every nerve on a daily basis.
Resident Minors:*
Thing 1 - 7, soon to be 8. Thinks she is a teenager and knows soo much more than any adult
Thing 2 - 5. Brainiac that is either the biggest surprise (when he does not stop talking and doesn't seem to breathe) or the smallest burning supernova of fury you have ever met. No middle ground here.
Milly Meltdown - 3. Sweet and endearing one moment and mad at you about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING the next. Hey, she is three.
Bitty Bear - almost 7 months. Breastfed bulldozer of a baby, this munchkin has an opinion and lets you know it. Mind you, he has very little interest in moving unless he can jump and bounce like a pogo stick.
In the spirit of 'Kids say the darndest things' meets 'Convoy', my hope is to give Numero Uno a place to read what he misses and to entertain any family and friends that are interested in following this chronicle of humorous chaos.
Happy Reading.
*Names are a work in progress (all names, who knows what I'll come up with as a theme)
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