Lilly has a lot of talent. She may never be the head of NASA, but she is constantly surprising me with her humor and creativity.
Today has been all about cheese, because Terry had a large amount of cheese two days ago to sell because a pallet tipped over in the truck and the receiver refused the cheese in that pallet. So, now that we have managed to sell a significant amount of the cheese and things have calmed down, the kids show the effects.
Lilly is on a roll this morning. First, she is delivering cheese/ operating a game show?
Lilly: Mom this cheese is for you.
Me: Thanks. How much do I owe you?
Lilly: 50 bucks
Me: Ok, here you go (wave hand in her direction. That is how she pays me).
Lilly: Thank you. And since you paid me, you won this.... piano. (shows me toy piano)
Me: Thank you. Why don't you hang onto the piano for me.
Now that the intriguing cheese scenario has been handled, it is apparently time to get philosophical. Her powers of perception are going to catch me soon, I have no doubt.
Five minutes after the cheese game show conversation:
Lilly: Mom, when we do bad stuff, who is going to watch us?
Me: What? What do you mean?
Lilly: Who is watching us right now, the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus?
Me: Oh. Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny only watches you close to Easter, but Santa is watching year-round.